Blended Collective Grounded In Gratitude

From day one we knew we wanted to be more than just a candle company, we wanted to develop a platform and culture of spreading goodness. Therefore, our Grounded in Gratitude project was born. We pick seasonal scents throughout the year and $2 from each candle sale goes towards the selected cause. 

We have donated money, gift cards, food, meals, laundry supplies, pizza and ice cream parties, hats, gloves, jeans, sweatshirts, book bags, back-to-school haircuts and more. The recipients are families, students, teachers, and seniors in our community and surrounding community that are struggling with illness, financial burdens, disabilities, loss and more. Many of the recipients were picked by our customers. 

Since inception in 2021, we have donated $20,158 to a number of families, organizations and causes. This is all possible because of our amazing, loyal customers! Thank you for shopping Blended Collective!

Blended Collective Co Grounded In Gratitude

Meet our current recipient

Haddie Hellwarth

Our Fall 2024 Gratitude Recipient is Haddie Hellwarth. Haddie is the daughter of Corbin and Haylee Hellwarth from Rockford, OH.

Haddie was born on February 23rd and was unexpectedly diagnosed with Trisomy 18, also known as Edwards Syndrome, when she was 2 days old. Her family was told right away that their girl wouldn't live long and possibly not even through the night. On May 1st Haddie and her family walked out of the NICU doors for the first time. Haddie and her family soaked in almost 4 weeks with her and her 2 older brothers, Alden (3) and Kelvin (1), all together at home until she got very sick and was admitted to Dayton Childrens PICU on May 28th and transferred to Cincinnati Children's CICU on June 9th. On August 16th after 80 more days in the PICU and CICU she busted out of those doors again and headed home.

Haddie's extra chromosome gave her a lot of complications in her tiny little body but it also gave her extra sass, extra resilience, extra fight, and extra to love. She has defied many odds and overcome many obstacles in her short life, so far, but she is one tough girl and her light is still shining. Grief and joy have shared a place at our table these past few months but we have never been so blessed and every single day with her is an absolute gift.

You can follow her story at The Life of Haddie Lou on Facebook at:

You can support Haddie and her family by purchasing a Golden Sunday candle from Blended Collective when they launch . Two dollars from each candle sale goes to Haddie and her family. Shop now online , or visit our retail home, MADE Apparel, in Celina. (This scent will launch in person on Sept 5th at our Sniff Event and September 10th at 7pm at the link listed above.)

Since inception in 2021, we have donated $20,478 to a number of families, organizations and causes. This is all possible because of our amazing, loyal customers! Please join us in supporting Haddie Lou and her beautiful journey.

Shop our gratitude scent,
help someone in need.

Every candle product purchased from the Grounded in Gratitude collection helps to give back to our community.